Our Story

Trade Cigars was founded by a group of dedicated cigar aficionados who shared a common vision: to create a platform where fellow enthusiasts could come together to share their passion for cigars. What started as a small community has now grown into a thriving hub for cigar lovers from all walks of life.

Our Mission

Our mission at Trade Cigars is simple yet profound: to cultivate a community where passion for tobacco thrives. We're committed to providing a platform that fosters meaningful connections, facilitates seamless trades, and celebrates the rich diversity of cigars from around the world.

Our values


We are driven by our love for cigars and are dedicated to sharing that passion with others.


We believe in the power of community and the value of connecting with like-minded individuals who share our enthusiasm for cigars.


We celebrate the rich diversity of cigars and are committed to offering a curated selection that caters to every palate and preference.

Discover the Trade Cigars Difference

Trade with Confidence:
At TradeCigars.com, we understand the value of a well-curated cigar collection. Our intuitive trading platform allows you to connect with fellow enthusiasts to swap cigars, expand your collection, and discover new and rare blends. Whether you're looking to trade one-of-a-kind cigars or everyday favorites, TradeCigars.com provides a secure and seamless trading experience, ensuring every transaction is conducted with trust and transparency.

Manage Your Inventory:
Keeping track of your cigar inventory has never been easier. With TradeCigars.com's robust inventory management tools, you can effortlessly organize, catalog, and track every cigar in your collection. From monitoring stock levels to recording tasting notes and aging preferences, our platform empowers you to maintain meticulous control over your personal cigar inventory, ensuring every smoke is a delight.

Discover New Favorites:
Explore a world of possibilities with TradeCigars.com's extensive database of cigar brands, blends, and reviews. Whether you're searching for a bold, full-bodied cigar or a mellow, aromatic smoke, our platform offers a curated selection of cigars to suit every palate and preference. Discover hidden gems, read expert reviews, and find your next favorite cigar with TradeCigars.com.

Connect with a Community:
Join a vibrant community of cigar enthusiasts who share your passion for premium tobacco. From engaging in lively discussions to participating in exclusive events and meetups, TradeCigars.com fosters a sense of camaraderie among like-minded individuals who appreciate the finer things in life. Connect with fellow aficionados, share your experiences, and forge lasting friendships within the TradeCigars.com community.

Experience Excellence:
At TradeCigars.com, we're committed to delivering excellence in every aspect of the cigar trading and management experience. With a user-friendly interface, unparalleled security measures, and dedicated customer support, we strive to exceed your expectations at every turn. Whether you're trading, managing your inventory, or simply indulging in the pleasure of a fine cigar, TradeCigars.com is your ultimate destination for all things cigar-related.

Together, let's explore, trade, and discover the world of cigars.

Join us at Trade Cigars and become part of a vibrant community where passion meets tobacco.